What developmental editors (like me) do & why researchers work with them.

Whether it’s trusted colleagues offering feedback on your research ideas, mentors writing a reference, or your university research office helping you understand the grant guidelines and administrative process, submitting a research grant involves working with a wide range of people. In this blog, I want to tell you about another type of professional you might consider having on your team that could help you submit the best possible version of your grant: a developmental editor.
Reasons why a grant resubmission shouldn’t be easy work.

As a research grant consultant, my everyday work involves talking to researchers who are preparing to resubmit a grant proposal which they’ve previously had rejected. I’ve noticed many researchers in this position often approach their grant resubmission by regarding their reviewer comments as a series of boxes that need to be ticked. In this blog, I want to outline why an approach that focuses solely on addressing reviewer comments can be problematic…
The long term impact of winning research grants early in your career.

If you’re an early career researcher, you probably already know that securing a research grant as a PI is one of the key things you need to do in order to progress your career and land a permanent position. So you probably don’t need to be told this again. But what you might not know is that securing a research grant early on in your career will make you far more likely to continue to win research funding throughout your career…
Should I apply for a small or large research grant?

When trying to decide what type of research grant to apply for, many researchers are faced with multiple options, and one of these is whether to apply for a small or large grant. Although it’s sometimes quite easy to decide which to choose, in many cases it can feel like a difficult decision to make. In this blog post I present some of the key advantages of applying for both small and large research grants to hopefully make your decision a little easier…
Is getting external writing support for my grant application… cheating?

Researchers sometimes ask themselves whether getting external writing support for their grant applications constitutes a form of cheating or gaining unfair advantage. To be honest, I think I may have wondered the same thing when I worked in academia myself. However, professional writing support – like many other features of academia’s hidden curriculum – is something that’s actually quite common but it’s just not talked about very much…
How to prepare for a
research grant interview

Part of the support I offer researchers is to provide interview training sessions for researchers whose grant proposals have been shortlisted for an interview. In this blog I offer some advice on how to prepare so that you give yourself the best chances of success during what can be both an exciting and daunting experience. The overall principle of preparing for a research grant interview isn’t actually that different from writing the proposal itself…
Writing a research grant application?
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